Posting this most entertaining race report for Jamie Fitzgerald, a recent addition to our pinstriped family. We'll soon get him as comfortable on dirt as he is on the track.
Here goes……... Rode the Clyde category with Bryan. Lotteried into mid-field at the start line just ahead of Bryan. The first mile or so scared the living daylights out of me. All the mad bastards resentful at being banished to the rear of the field vented their frustration by attacking on the start of the long downhill alongside the velodrome. This was expected but the intensity of it took me by surprise. It was about this time that I was overtaken by Bryan - that was the last I saw of him…..
The pre-race ride of the course paid off with the uneventful navigation of the dreaded RH turn at the bottom of the hill. I accelerated up the hill passing a few riders moving backwards - so far… good….. Picked up a few more down the long run alongside the car park and again past the tents. The tail end of the C’s were being caught about now which made for some traffic. Shouldered the bike all textbook-like for the run-up. Sped ‘round the velodrome apron - home turf for me. Although, riding the wrong way ‘round the velodrome felt very naughty. Alas, my time in the velodrome comfort zone ended far too quickly and it was time to get dirty again. The rest of the lap was uneventful as were the next two. Passed quite a few riders but most of them seemed to be the slower C’s - I didn‘t seem to be moving up through the Clyde field. Where were they? - had I taken a wrong turn somewhere and joined a unrelated race? Then, as I was considering this possibility some more…..the chain jumped off mid-sprint for no apparent reason in the straightaway before the switchback steps. This threw off my (until now) flawless (!) on-off technique and I arrived at steps with the wrong foot still in the pedals and little room to correct. Managed not to fall over and ascended the steps without incident. However, not before a few riders passed by - curses!
Then it was the bell lap - I was engaged in mortal combat with a Showers Pass rider - I would pass on the straights with a blinding burst of speed and he would tuck in behind and get me on the corners in the grass. I overtook him on the run-up and was first into the velodrome. All was going well until the final barrier when the front wheel caught the barrier flicking it back. One of the arms of the cantilevered brakes wedged under the downtube and the wheel was locked in place almost turned around. This was not obvious at first and precious secmins (seconds that feel like minutes) were spent puzzling over this disturbing juxtaposition of wheel and frame. Aha …..through the fog of oxygen deprivation I spotted the problem. The wheel was wrenched back into place with unreasonable force and, following the remount, it was a sprint to the line. This last minute mechanical left me a bit deflated. Oh, and the front tire was also 80% deflated - not sure when it occurred but probably pretty late in the race.
Final placing 14th. Looks like about 6 places were lost with the mechanical at the end since the Showers Pass guy finished 8th. Oh, well - I guess that’s how it goes. Overall, I was pretty happy with how it all went. The support was great from the sidelines. Lookin’ forward to next week……………..